EartH Kitchen, London: ‘A hugely cheering meal’ – restaurant review

The restaurant of an events venue proves that great modern British cooking is as good as any show

EartH Kitchen, 11-1 7 Stoke Newington Road, London N16 8BH (020 3873 2345). Starters £5-£6.50. Mains £12.50-£16. Desserts £5-£7.50. Wines from £24

Let’s dispense with the preamble and get to it. A bowl arrives filled with watercress, all deep green leaf and stem, hung with fragile rings of lightly pickled shallot. Almost buried by the foliage are lumps of bronzed and golden debris. They appear deep fried, these misshapen pieces. It is vice and virtue clambering into bed and seeing what they can learn from each other. And so you dig in.

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from The Guardian

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